As part of all of the things I am doing with Traditonal Outdoors I have started a video channel on YouTube. I have started the channel with a series of "How-To" videos of sort focused on deer hunting and scouting. I am trying to keep these videos short and am starting with basic tools and resources and as I go I will be getting into boots on the ground scouting and putting together the pieces of the puzzle.
I hope to be able to help young hunters (and maybe even teach some old hunters some new tricks) learn that success does not come in a bag, bottle or box from Walmart but with work, research, learning and application of the skills learned.
I am also hoping to add some adventures from this fall as well.
This will not become a video-mmercial to sell products or items, like the podcast I want to use this as a means of preserving outdoor traditions and passing down woodsmanship skills. So, please check out the channel and give me a subscribe if you like the content.