So glad to hear the positive news! His writings have been so helpful and inspirational to me since I remember reading him in high school in the early 80's. I was stationed in the USAF in Colorado Springs a couple years later and had the chance to drive up to Ft. Lupton and meet him when I ordered my first Bighorn. I was a 19 year old kid....but very serious about bowhunting! When I met Fred I was star struck like a teen girl at a teeny bopper boys band. He was humble, helpful and just plain nice. He took lots of time with me and I left that day with an order placed for a one piece 64 inch recurve. That bow was the prettiest recurve I have ever seen and it went with me on many adventures. Bottom line is, his writings were very influential and helpful in my life. I read "One Season On Prichard Mountain" every year for years prior to the Colorado archery opener.