My dad taught me everything I know about woodsmanship, not just hunting, but identifying trees, wildflowers and knowing the different species of birds, he carried the pocket books on each of these topics in the field. He taught me to read and actually use a compass. He taught me how to build my own bowstrings and make my own arrows. My dad taught me how to shoot a Recurve and sharpen broadheads. Because of him I can use a fly rod, I have enough flies to last me a lifetime, of course he tied them all.
He only has 2 recurve bows, both Bear Super Kodiak recurves, both 65lb@28, one was his main bow the other was simply a backup in case he needed it, his main Bear recurve was nicknamed "Meatpole" due to the amount of deer he killed with it. He only used Bear razorheads because "they worked". He never knew anything about EFOC, he only knew his arrows flew straight and when he hit a deer or turkey "where you're supposed to" they worked perfectly.
He gave up on commercial camo a long time ago when Mossy Oak quit offering Bottomland, he just started wearing plaids and greens and browns, he invested in Filson wool and always preached the benefit of wearing quality wool.
I've learned a lot from him....
My Dad had a series of strokes over three days that have changed his life forever, he has been in the hospital since June 27th, he may never walk again or be able to take care of himself....
I have decided to honor him this upcoming deer season, I am going to go without the use of commercial camo. I would use one of his bows except the weight is too heavy for my elbow to take. But I plan on using Bear Razorheads as well (because they work!)
I've attached a couple pics of his bows...the first pic is "meat pole"