Congrats again to Corey on his elk. It was actually a perfect heart shot on a broadside animal.
I did find it interesting. . . I have watched a handful of the Youtube bowhunting vids this summer. It really is amazing how guys get excited after the hit- when many shots are really terrible. Good grief- many are 10-12" off where they should be. Makes me wonder how many hunts are not published and how many animals are not recovered.
I am convinced again that bowhunting is best served as a close encounter weapon. And further, many guys really do not know where to hit an animal.
Just some friendly 2C advice. . . .Take the time to study actual anatomy photos and autopsies. On a true broadside shot- hitting a deer/elk just above the "elbow" and actually putting it through the leg muscle/triangle, center punches the vitals- being the heart/top-of- heart and both lungs. Quartering away adjusts this accordingly.
Congrats again Corey. Your video should be put in our TG anatomy archives.
Dan in KS