LOL ,glad he likes it!!
I had an almost tonight, 3rd buck I saw was about a half our before quitting time. He was behind me and headed straight away when I saw him, starting across a picked beanfield. He was screened by a couple pinoaks at about 60 yards so I stood up and grunted at him. Couldn't see him and nothing -- so a grunted again -- nothing -- so I picked up my old rattle bag that my bro gave me a looong time ago and clashed it for a few seconds-- nothin!! Then he hove into view at a good walk straight at me . There is an old logging road right by the stand and he looked to be coming....
But, he wasn't torque off enough to make a mistake and he started the dreaded downwind circle at 40 yards and got something he didn't like , turned and at the same brisk walk went back the other way. Not sure if he smelled me or just smelled a rat cause the timber is open and he couldn't see any other deer but he didn't run off ,just walked on out. . I guess pretty conservative but I figured about 140 ish which is just a number bro and I use to describe deer, never had one measured ...