well...the reason i have brought this up..is at one time i read a article about tuning the bow to the arrow and not the arrow to the bow...... so basically in "fine tuning" you could take a arrow of somewhat close spine and adjust braceheight to get it to fly nicely...sort of like changing the tip of the arrow 20 grains at a time.... i have not tried this and have heard from a number of folks that higher braceheight creates a arrow to act weaker (dynamic spine).. i think when we adjust our braceheight to find that "sweet spot" ..where there is the least amount of noise and vibration...what we are actually doing is tuning the bow to transfer as much energy as possible to the arrow being used.. this is considered the sweet spot...i was reading "become the arrow" and it stated that a lower braceheight requires a stiffer arrow...and from what im hearing i think this is bad info... I would like to hear from the people that have actually tested changing braceheight and its change on dynamic spine...what were the results? i will do some of my own testing soon...thanks for all the info...