I get back to the ranch house and tell my buddy the story and tell him I think he stopped down in a little creek. We eat a snack and go see if we can find him and we did find him but he wasn’t dead. He was right where I said he was but he stood up and moved away about 50yds and bedded down again in our flashlight beams. So we backed out and left him alone in the creek bed , it’s nice and cool down where he is and I did not want to push him. So at daylight this morning I’m back at the spot with my bow in hand hoping for the best. I find him about 15yds form where we saw him bed last night in a big thick patch of low cedars along the creek. I can’t tell if he is alive or dead so I put an anchor shot into him but it was not needed. He is a cool old buck and really wide just under twenty inches inside , I’m proud to have him. Meat was still good so was a great ending to the Texas opener , was shooting my Ember longbow 56@30 , carbons , and big ol TreeSharks....