My dad was a metal arrow user and never used the same arrow twice. When he died I got most of his archery stuff. There were over 100 arrows that killed some sort of animal, mostly whitetail, some mule deer and bear. I cleaned up and stripped around 90 arrows that were straight, re-fletched them and passed them around for others to use. Last fall I took one of his arrows and refletched it and killed a bear with it. Dad use to own an archery shop so he had plenty of left over stock when he closed the doors so materials were never a problem.
Actually there is more to the bear story. When I got home from the Marines in 69 dad handed me a brand new Bear Kodiak Hunter as a gift. I used that bow, an arrow and head he killed an animal with. I put my stand in his spot where he killed bear in the past. I got settled in and looked to the sky and said, "Help me out pop". I saw bear at 500pm, 600pm and shot my bear at 700pm . It was a 7 yard shot and I knew I had a good hit. He went 40 yards. I looked up second time and said, "thanks pop" and sat in my stand with tears rolling down my face. I sure miss him.