" I shoot fairly straight up, slight cant, and I shoot split." My son, who can repeat what i told him over 30 years ago word for word, says that I didn't teach him things and he had to figure lots of stuff out for himself, is a very very good shot, but he always claims that something is always just a little off. I got the new little book from Jerry Hill, I have preached this same split as written by Hill for years to him, but he claims that he is more instinctive. He read the book, recognized the chapters that were reprints of what Howard Hill wrote and then Jerry Hills personal process of developing it. My son grabbed one of my bows to try what he just read. In a space of 100 or so shots, went from fat softball groups at 20 to 24 yards, to finishing with shooting repeated feather ripping groups at what most would call a snap shooters tempo, with a few slow tempo shots mixed in.
Sometimes changing everything you have done for many years can be extremely trying and difficult, when just certain acknowledgements and a mental change with a few fine tuned particulars can be a much easier and shorter route. My son stated, "I'm impressed, it already seems like I have been aiming this way for years, it's so automatic." Anyone watching his final four groups where he destroyed my new set of 1918s was snap shooting. It was fluid, fast and refined, I am not so sure I would call that snap shooting.