String Harmonics is the vibrations on the string when plucked or in the case of a bow when the string is released. Using String Harmonics we are able to predict in strings where the most vibrations will occur by simply dividing the length of the unobstructed string by multiples of 2’s and 3’s.
Unobstructed String is found where the string last touches/contacts the upper and lower limbs of the bow. Lets just say that this length is 50”. Now we divide by multiples of 2’s and 3’s to find out where the most harmonics/vibrations will occur.
50”/2 = 25” or 1/2 point.
50”/3 = 16.66” or 1/3 points
50”/4 = 12.5” or ¼ points
50”/6 = 8.33” or 1/6 points
50”/8 = 6.25” or 1/8 points
50”/9 = 5.55” or 1/9 points
This continues 1/10, 1/12, 1/14, 1/15, etc…
Most people find out that the ¼ points are a good starting point. Now the string will have it’s greatest vibrations at the ½ point and next the 1/3 points but your not going to have a silencer placed in the ½ point of your string. The 1/3 points may be distracting as the silencer on the upper limb might be close to your eye when you draw.
Now by placing your silencers in the parts of the string where the most vibrations occur will greatly reduce the noise and vibrations of your bow. It is also important to note that there are places in your string where there is little or no movement or vibrations as the string resonates, these are called dead zones and when we place silencers in these areas we are definitely robbing our bows of speed and energy. The opposite might occur by properly placed silencers. When shooting a compound bow thru a chronograph I actually lost 5 fps in speed once I removed the silencers…. Go figure…
Rubber is the best material for reducing vibrations. You won't see any limb savors made of wool or beaver balls...