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Author Topic: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!  (Read 20826 times)

Offline Fattony77

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #80 on: January 25, 2019, 11:21:15 AM »
Once back in camp, the other fellas began to trickle in and I immediately felt welcomed. Except for Darren & Randy (who met once this last summer, I knew the other guys only from their posts here on Tradgang. Now, in most situations regarding "strangers" I'm what I would call "socially cautious." Meaning that I don't get comfortable around people very quickly at all. This is, without a doubt, a by-product of my profession as a Correctional Officer. However, I became comfortable with the men in this camp as quickly as I ever have, as it is easy to see that they are all honest and genuine men. This is a compliment that I don't give to just anyone.

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Offline Fattony77

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #81 on: January 25, 2019, 11:31:03 AM »
We all got to know each other better while sitting around camp and I got to sample the meals that I had missed so far. As I said to the guys that night, I didn't get to be "Fat Tony" because I have a thyroid problem, I like to EAT! And let me tell ya, these ol' boys did not disappoint! There's no way that I could possibly choose a favorite meal from this trip. They were all over-the-top, fantastic. I can tell that if "the committee" deems that I'm allowed to return, I'm going to have to do better than just my Fat Boy Brownies.

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Offline Fattony77

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #82 on: January 25, 2019, 11:43:34 AM »
That night brought a downpour of rain that easily permeated my flimsy tent walls and I got sleep in small sections. But I was up early the next morning anyway, because I was just too excited (the wet tent & flat air mattress didn't help me to sleep in either, lol).

So after some time to reflect & quietly enjoy where I was, the other guys got up and we fueled up for the morning with some of Randy's famous breakfast burritos & homemade salsa. We formed our plans for the morning hunt and set out. Todd & I teamed up & set our plan of attack for the parcel of land across from Alligator Lake...

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Offline Fattony77

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #83 on: January 25, 2019, 12:08:52 PM »
If you have never hunted hogs in a swamp before, let me give you a tip...train on a stairmaster before the hunt! The flooded ground, and mud are unforgiving & tough on a fat-body trying to walk through it. Thankfully, Todd showed me mercy and slowed to a pace that I could handle. (Though I still feel bad for slowing him down.)

After a while, Todd & I took turns getting "turned around" and correcting each other and decided to take a lunch break at the Jeep. That's when we formulated our plan for the afternoon, which consisted of us going across the road to some higher (and drier) ground. There was a cold wind blowing in from the north and we thought that the pigs might take shelter on the lee side of the small ridge that runs along side of Alligator Lake.

We were moving parallel to the flooded creek, one on the high side & one on the low. We met down by the water's edge to discuss the logistics of the next move, when 3 pigs (2 black & 1 red) decided that we were too close for comfort and stood up from their beds about 20 yards away. I couldn't get an arrow on the string fast enough shoot at them, but we were encouraged to try to catch up to them.

We trailed them for quite a while, but they managed to stay out of sight.

This is the sign that greets you as you enter the area.

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Offline Fattony77

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #84 on: January 25, 2019, 12:20:35 PM »
That night brought more fellowship and Randy's "sub-par" beef brisket (his words, not mine, I thought it was fantastic). Todd generously offered for me to bunk in the wall tent with him & Darren, as the temperature was going to drop significantly and my own tent was still plenty soaked. I gratefully accepted the offer and apparently earned the title of Top Snorer in camp. Thankfully, Todd & Darren resisted the temptation to smother me in my sleep (Sorry again, guys).

Another round of breakfast burritos in the morning and the plan for the final hunt of the trip was made. It would turn out to be the most action of the weekend, for me....

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Offline Fattony77

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #85 on: January 25, 2019, 12:48:15 PM »
We decided to surround a small tract of land that Daniel knew had hogs in it, and still-hunt towards the middle. The area was on the other side of a road that that was so flooded, that if I had found it on my own, I would never have tried to cross. But Daniel knew what he was doing and we made it across easily.

As soon as I walked into my section, I found sign that looked as if pigs were there while I was getting out of my Jeep. About 10-15 minutes into the woods, I heard Darren (who was to my right) yell my name and then go silent after my reply. I had the feeling that he was telling me that some pigs were heading my direction... I was right.

A black-spotted, red pig and a a black one of the same size came into view about 50 yards ahead of me in fairly open woods. They never stopped moving, but were only "walking" as they showed me their broad sides. They went on the other side of a small blow-down, which is where I thought that I would have my chance to sneak up behind them. As it turned out, that was my best legitimate opportunity to get an arrow into some pork. So, naturally I regret not taking a shot.

We continued to chase another sounder that I saw shortly after the first encounter, for a while longer. But I didn't end up seeing any more. I got the impression, later, that everyone that was hunting that morning was trying their best to get me my first trad kill. And for that, I can't explain how much I appreciate it.

Here's some pics of the road from that morning.

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Offline Fattony77

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #86 on: January 25, 2019, 01:00:36 PM »
Daniel invited me to stay for another night, even though everyone else was headed home that Sunday, but I realized that I had no way of communicating with anyone, if I needed help or if something went wrong. So I packed my stuff up as well and began the long trek home.

I can't begin to explain just how much this adventure means to me. And how grateful I am to Daniel for organizing the hunt and allowing me to join in, and how thankful I am to have made new friends with such awesome people. I am truly blessed by this experience. (Make no mistake, though, fellas... if I get to come back again, there WILL be some smack-talkin' coming. Lol)

That's about all I have to say about that...

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Offline John146

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #87 on: January 25, 2019, 01:43:10 PM »
""After a while, Todd & I took turns getting "turned around" and correcting each other and decided to take a lunch break at the Jeep.""

 :biglaugh: :biglaugh: You are too kind my brother! You know I was the one leading and ended up going in a circle!!

""I gratefully accepted the offer and apparently earned the title of Top Snorer in camp. Thankfully, Todd & Darren resisted the temptation to smother me in my sleep (Sorry again, guys).""

You are the Top Snorer but you just picked up where Jacob left off so... :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Todd Trahan
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Offline John146

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #88 on: January 25, 2019, 01:45:34 PM »
Tony, It was great having you in camp. Was really hoping it would have all lined up for you to get your first trad kill! Hoping it will happen for you soon!! :archer2:
Todd Trahan
All of Creation Gives God Glory!

Offline Fattony77

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #89 on: January 25, 2019, 02:01:17 PM »
Thanks, brother! I know that it'll happen when it's supposed to, I just get impatient sometimes. Lol

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Offline Chumster

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #90 on: January 25, 2019, 02:15:44 PM »
For any of you folks following this thread, let me speak to Tony's Fat Boy brownies.

If Tony decides to put them back up on the St Jude's Auction this year, jump on them and bid it up, they are fantastic!!
Never wait too long!

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #91 on: January 25, 2019, 02:40:41 PM »
Congrats Daniel. Thank you everyone, I am enjoying your stories

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

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Wisconsin Traditional Archers

>~TGMM~> <~Family~Of~The~Bow~<

Offline Fattony77

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #92 on: January 25, 2019, 02:42:18 PM »
Thanks for the plug, Rick! I fully intend on offering them again this year. You'd probably do well with some of your horseradish sauce and/or pulled pork, too. (I know I'd be bidding...)

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Offline Joeabowhunter

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #93 on: January 26, 2019, 08:45:14 AM »
 :clapper:  good shooting Daniel!  Sounds like another great gathering.

Offline Crittergetter

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #94 on: January 26, 2019, 07:58:34 PM »
Sorry about the delay in posting..

I arrived at camp somewhere around 1:30 Thursday afternoon. When I got there no one was there so I decided to go do some scouting and possibly make an evening hunt. I went to scout by the headquarters not knowing that’s where Tod and Jacob had gone. When I got there I went down a rd we had hunted last year but quickly realized it was flooded and there was no where to turn around.
So I had to back out about a quarter mile of curvy narrow road with my short 10’ trailer (which carried my 4wheeler) and with a long bed crew cab truck with a camper shell on it.
That was quite a feet in itself!!! Lol
But patience prevailed this time and I made it back to the main rd without incident.
So on to the next spot which I knew had a  parking area. As I was unloading my 4wheeler Tod pulled up. We set a quick hello and I learned that Jacob was walking the area I had intended to check out. So we started formulating a plan and I jumped in with him and we drove a short distance and Tod dropped me off to work my way back to the truck.
I mad a circle through the woods and jumped a deer but never found any fresh sign of hogs or deer that got me excited.
So I quickly made my way to the truck and headed to camp to see everybody!
It was the same warm welcome we have all couple me to look forward to each year!! Some old friends and some new friends were green with handshakes and hogs!
That night we feasted on Jacob’s étouffée and it was as good as I remembered!
We sat around talking about how much our beloved friend Marty had loved it the last year he was there and how he sat there and ate 4 bowls full while everyone else was shooting their bows!  :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
An elitist mentality creates discord, even among the elite!
"I went jackalope hunting but all I saw was does!"
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity, I just need more opportunities!

Offline Crittergetter

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #95 on: January 26, 2019, 08:05:17 PM »
The next morning we all paired up and headed in different directions. Darren and I headed to a section by Alligator lake where we knew there was some high ground. I dropped him off on one rd by the flood waters and I headed around To park the truck and we were going to work our way toward each other and into a peninsula of land that was surrounded by water. Right after I dropped Darren off he got into a group of hogs and got off a shot. He text me and told me they were headed my way but I never saw them.
We eventually met up in a narrow stretch of land that was only about 100 yrds wide. We some a lot of old sign but again nothing really fresh.
It was the type of spot where you would have loved to be sitting during the rut but the critters had obviously not been using it that much with the flood waters as high as they were.
I do however find some beautiful scenery!!
An elitist mentality creates discord, even among the elite!
"I went jackalope hunting but all I saw was does!"
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity, I just need more opportunities!

Offline Crittergetter

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #96 on: January 26, 2019, 08:07:17 PM »
We headed back to the truck and decided to go back to camp for lunch and see what results everyone else’s scouting had yielded.

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An elitist mentality creates discord, even among the elite!
"I went jackalope hunting but all I saw was does!"
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity, I just need more opportunities!

Offline Crittergetter

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #97 on: January 26, 2019, 09:01:31 PM »
That evening I decided to go drop off my truck at Wallace rd and drive the 4wheeler around to the north and park it and work my way back to the truck. Right when I was dropping the hat in the trailer I got a call from Daniel saying he had shot 2 hogs and needed some help. So I expressed my frustration in him messing up my hunting time and headed his way !

I made it around to him in about 45 minutes or so. We quickly unloaded the 4wheeler and mad e plan for me to hunt while he retrieved his hogs.
I saw a lot more sign and jumped some deer but no hogs. I made my way back to the 2 track at dark and was picked up by Daniel.
We made it back to camp and after talking as much smack as possible while Daniel and Tod cleaned his pigs we feasted on the best dadgum pulled pork and beans that I have ever ate!! And that is not an exaggeration by no means!! It was pure awesomeness!! Thanks to Rick!!

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An elitist mentality creates discord, even among the elite!
"I went jackalope hunting but all I saw was does!"
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity, I just need more opportunities!

Offline Crittergetter

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #98 on: January 26, 2019, 09:12:03 PM »
The next morning after a torrential rain Darren and I decided to go back to the area where Daniel had shot his hogs because o had seen more sign there than anywhere else I had been. We found it even more flooded than the day before but was still able to make a solid plan. We drive as far as we could till we hit flood waters that could not be crossed. We parked the truck and headed in different directions.
As I was working my way along the edge of the flood plane I cut some track that were still muddy. I knew they couldn’t be very old because the rain at only let up a couple of hours before. So I slowly followed the tracks while trying to keep an eye open head. At one point I got distracted by Some woodcocks and was trying to remember if they were in season or not. But the eventually flew off and I proceeded to follow the fresh tracks. I had to cross a downed log and as soon as I touched ground in the other side I heard something close!!
I look to my right and see a very large boar step around a tree and some brush not 15 yrds from me! 
He never even gave me a chance to try to explain what I was and why I was there and that sucker took off like I’ve never seen a hog run before!! Normally they will take off at a decent pace and kinda 4 legged crunch their way along. Not him!! He stretched out like a thorough bred horse and ran right through a very thick briar thicket faster than I’ve ever seen a hog run and never slowed down till he was completely out of hearing distance!
I’d like to think he had heard of my prowess as a hunter and knew he need to leave town as quickly as possible!

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« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 09:20:04 PM by Crittergetter »
An elitist mentality creates discord, even among the elite!
"I went jackalope hunting but all I saw was does!"
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity, I just need more opportunities!

Offline Crittergetter

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Re: 4th Annual Boeuf Hog/Deer Hunt - Were back home!
« Reply #99 on: January 26, 2019, 09:14:06 PM »
So I slowly made my way along hoping for another encounter with something but to no avail.
Did I mention the scenery is amazing almost anywhere you go if you take the time to notice!
If I could duplicate this camo pattern I’d be a billionaire!

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An elitist mentality creates discord, even among the elite!
"I went jackalope hunting but all I saw was does!"
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity, I just need more opportunities!

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