We decided to surround a small tract of land that Daniel knew had hogs in it, and still-hunt towards the middle. The area was on the other side of a road that that was so flooded, that if I had found it on my own, I would never have tried to cross. But Daniel knew what he was doing and we made it across easily.
As soon as I walked into my section, I found sign that looked as if pigs were there while I was getting out of my Jeep. About 10-15 minutes into the woods, I heard Darren (who was to my right) yell my name and then go silent after my reply. I had the feeling that he was telling me that some pigs were heading my direction... I was right.
A black-spotted, red pig and a a black one of the same size came into view about 50 yards ahead of me in fairly open woods. They never stopped moving, but were only "walking" as they showed me their broad sides. They went on the other side of a small blow-down, which is where I thought that I would have my chance to sneak up behind them. As it turned out, that was my best legitimate opportunity to get an arrow into some pork. So, naturally I regret not taking a shot.
We continued to chase another sounder that I saw shortly after the first encounter, for a while longer. But I didn't end up seeing any more. I got the impression, later, that everyone that was hunting that morning was trying their best to get me my first trad kill. And for that, I can't explain how much I appreciate it.
Here's some pics of the road from that morning.

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