I am a proponent of Hill style bows and would definitely recommend he look at them carefully. However, I also have several R/D bows that I like, so be sure he shoots several type bows before making a final choice. I would suggest he start out with a fairly low draw weight around 40# - not over 45# for sure. He may have a desire to pull a heavy draw weight, but he should become proficient at a draw weight he handles well. Actually, I would suggest he kill a few head of game at this weight before he buys a heavy bow, as he may decide he doesn't need the heavy bow. Oddly, though, I like a heavy pull and started out with a 58# longbow and have shot up to 78#. Now, due to age/health issues, I shoot a 53# NM Shelton (a wonderful bow). My progress would undoubtedly have been quicker if I had followed the previous advice I just passed along. After all, if he becomes a longbow addict like so many of us, he will own any number of them and can try heavier weight later when he is in a position to handle it effectively. Granted, I am an authority on NOTHING related to archery or bowhunting, but I have made enough errors along the way that I have actually learned a few things. The best thing for your buddy to do when bow shopping id to choose equipment that is FUN to shoot. However, I would not suggest he start with a compound - if he wants to become proficient with a longbow, he needs to shoot a longbow.