I felt sure that was going to be your response. Rick, with all due respect, no one has failed when they followed the drills to-the-letter; a lot of folks have given up because they didn’t follow the advice in the drills.
Unfortunately, a lot of folks will “read” the drills, and then start the program, but very few will “study” the drills and follow my advice throughout.
To answer your question, let me simply quote from the document itself:
“Before you begin, you’ll have to ask yourself if you’re willing to spend at least 63-days (maybe more) on a STRICT regimen of drills…”
“Depending on how badly you’re afflicted with this devil, you may not be able to advance, or extend your distance as quickly, or feel as comfortable as we'd like. So.... if at any time you’re not comfortable, slow up and go back to the previous step. We’re in no hurry here; stay with it—you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. NEVER stress yourself; don’t let any anxiety come it. Stay where you are, or go back a step or two. Do NOT try to advance until you KNOW you’re ready to.”
“You must NEVER try to advance beyond your COMPLETE control. You have to pay the price and it'll be worth it in the end--trust me.”
“***If at any time the anxiety creeps back in, just go back to the previous step. Repeat it until it's gone, then advance to the next.”
Honestly, if you’ve suffered with this devil for 50 years, it may take you a year or two to complete the drills as specified. I have gotten many PM’s and emails asking similar questions and my answer is always the same…. NEVER try to advance beyond your COMPLETE control. It’s that simple. When the first hint of anxiety comes in, you have to stay put until it’s gone. You have the pay the price to overcome the demon. Believe me, I know how frustrating it can be at times.