Once again it takes FOREVER for the two years to go by and the weekend goes by in a blur. Its a shame I only get to see most of these guys for those couple days and am lucky if I even get to talk to them at all during the weekend! I never got to talk to Gene and Barry at all, until the airport, when they were "taking out undesireables" and pointing at me? I did see Terry briefly! As was said, Joebuck did an outstanding job, there is always one that wants to make everyone else look bad! Monty and the twins did awesome as the speakers(as usual). The officers and the crew in Pitts, did an awesome job, I have an idea about how much effort is involved and it is monumental. There are always things that can be done better and several of us, discussed that, we have talked about putting a banquet manual together, so all the details don't get forgotten or misplaced each time and I am going to push for that to get done, this time! I would have liked to seen a bigger vendors area myself and more vendors. One comment that stood out was that from the shuttle driver taking us back to the airport, he said, "I have never seen a group here that hugged each other so much"! I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Nashville and no doubt there will be a strong need for volunteers there, so think about helping out and if you have suggestions to improve, add or change things, be sure to pass them along. I personally want to thank, Russell, Krista, Don D, Don B and Ethan for working on the 2010 banquet site committee, Nashville will be awesome!