I too have tried nearly all of them in the search for "the best for me". All of them have their desireable features. For years I went with top end strap on steps. These babies cost around 8 dollars each way back then and I carried ten of them. Heck, that was more cost than any of my early stands. With them I could almost walk up any tree around, pretty fast and pretty quiet. They do have some down sides.
Now, what I carry every time are Lone Wolf strap on sticks. Far as I am concerned...these are it !
Take it slow and methodical and they are as quiet as anything out there. They are also more stable and in my mind, safer.
Although I got really good with the strap on's..please note. When you put them on, cinch them tight and as a last motion, pull them very tight with one hand while pulling up (as if to tighten) the metal piece that holds the straps in place. This makes a huge difference in slipage, and also note that they DO move a little while in use.
I have never had one move enough to make me lose my footing (with these top end steps....I have had cheaper ones BREAK with me on them).
I still carry sticks right now.
Whatever you choose, please, practice with them from the ground till you get the hang of them (pun intended) and be safe.