The buck in the picture was taken with a 60# bow of my own manufacture. I've been shooting antelope since I was in my late twenties and back in those days I almost always used bows of 70# and more. I'm sure everyone will tell you you don't need all that weight, it's just what I liked to shoot.
Whatever you like for whitetails will work just fine. They are not a very large animal. Shot placement, as with anything, is always key. They seldom get totally out of sight before giving up the ghost.
I've shot them as close as ten yards and a couple quite a bit farther than that.
Like most big game try to get a shot that's 20 yards or less and you'll be golden.
I stalked within 15 feet of the antelope in the picture. Looking him over real good I decided I could do better and let him walk. I watched him walk slowly away and he seemed to grow bigger with every step.
Finally he stopped and turned broadside and I decided I'd made a mistake in judgement. I raised the bow and put an arrow through his heart. I stepped it off later and the shot was made at 30 long paces. Go figure.