I got a Kestrel last spring and I love it. Saddles do need some personal touch though. Bridge length, tether height, climbing methods, foot management...they all take a little time to get dialed-in.
I'm a platform guy. Ring of steps are okay, but for all-day sits, a platform works better for me. I have a variety of platforms. A bunch of homemade ones but the best is a Tethrd Predator with 1 step added on the strap to my strong side and the top step of my climbing method to my weak side.
Currently, the choice between a Kestrel or Mantis is like Chevy vs Ford. I'm a Kestrel lover.
Aero Hunter is supposedly coming out with yet another new saddle very soon. I'm anxious to see it.
BTW, Traditional Bowhunter magazine will have an article about saddles in the next issue (Late Feb, I think).
The guy in the pics will look exactly like me