One more thing fellas. It’s regarding height. Im sure the majority understand this but we don’t know who is reading that maybe isn’t as famaliar. In my hunter ed classes I teach the vitals of any animal are sorta suspended in a sense like in the middle of a barrel. When discussing height if we were on the ground, very low, or the bear was out a bit the height could be midway up. As the angle changes as in the bear being extremely close and we’re up say 18’ a shot mid body height wise could miss lots of vitals. We might hit say only one lung. We want to adjust for that. If the bear was quartering hard just as on a deer we aim slightly back of where we want the arrow center punching.
The big difference here is bears sometimes give better and more shooting opportunities, (by no means always) so it’s easy to wait. If the shot on any animal isn’t there we don’t wanna push it.