having been in the trad archery game for over 6 decades, and building lots of arrows since day one, i started off with a trio of bitz jigs that i used for many years. they're great jigs, no question about it. the downside of metal jigs is corrosion and rust.
for the last 15 years or so i moved on to BPE, bohning, grayling and other polcarb fletchers. they work just as well for me as the quite expensive bitz jigs or 6-gang jojans.
using tape or super glue means only one jig is needed. however, i use multiple jigs where each is permanently set for one task. one jig set for woodies and another for carbons, both doing 3-fletch 5-1/2" full helical feathers, and another jig for carbons and 4-fletch 4-1/2" bananas.
bottom line: you don't need a high dollar fletching jig to fletch excellent arrows.