Two Michiganders
Men amongst boys
Got up their dander
Took up their toys
The match was set
Date with location chosen
A bold friendly bet
Who's the best bowman
One took to bragging
The other took the bait
Who's butt would be dragging
Who's dancing a proud gait
Each knew he was best
Tried to convince the Gang
Strutted proudly for the rest
Two loud cymbals clang - clang
Seems these men were all talk
Didn't put on much of a show
Both shooters did balk
Wild arrows flew from each bow
As the embarrassment concluded
Arrows back in the quiver
Meekness from pride extruded
Tears running deep like a river
They sat with some Blantons
And toasted each other
We may not be shooters
But we're still Trad Gang Brothers
Here's to Men Like Us - Damn Few! We'll All Drink To That!