The direction of hunting will be forever evolving. There are things I can’t even decide on myself....
Man, I hate baiting for deer, but I would for bear, and have for pigs. So what’s the difference? I have opinions but really baiting is baiting I suppose...
I love the youth hunt for my children but not for shutting deer movement down early...not that I can prove it does. I have personally seen no issues but can see where there may be in some areas...but when competing with video games it’s basically a way to get them going and early success. Unfortunately it seems a necessary step to get their attention. I couldn’t hunt until i was 12, and my son’s killed like 6 deer before he turned 11...and now he’s learning the “how”.
I’m not a xbow or compound fan, yet there were years I killed a lot of deer with a wheelie bow when I tried it...
I just got my first game camera for Christmas and love looking at pics of others, but feel it’s shut down more hunting permission than anything because now folks are aware of what’s really out there on the back 40...even though they’ll probably never see the big dudes during daylight...
I think when hunting within regulations, hunting becomes a very personal thing and people will find their way. Probably not my way, but that’s ok. I won’t videotape my hunts or my son’s because I think it’s not about anyone but the one doing the hunting and shooting. I will shoot or pass animals because it’s my personal decision, based on many factors, and find my son already is doing the same.
I’m not going to tell people what to do or not, I just know I love hunting with a stick bow and all the work I put into making the equipment, and doing it, and hope to pass on what I’ve learned. The words written by Leopold and other authors quoted in this thread have inspired me, even back in college when I first read them. Hunting isn’t meant to be a competition, I don’t need to “get it done”, I have a ton of success not killing, and also when I do kill. I decide what’s success. And there’s not an advertisement around that would make me think differently, but that’s from experience. It’s easy to get caught in the hype.
The threat we face is from non-hunters and their opinions, and those are formed by the direction of hunting. As things get easier and more high tech, I would think opinions degrade. Period.