I hunted for 3 years with a compund, never collected an animal. My second season with a longbow, I shot a button buck, no pictures taken unfortunatly. My second animal, my first Black Bear taken with my 21st Century constellation at about 8 yards. Ran straight up a tree after the shot, and dropped a minute or so later, no blood trail. The little guy in the pic is my nephew, he was only 3 in that pic, just turned 9 last month.
My buck from 2006. Taken with my Hoyt designed heritage longbow. Shot distance of about 10 yards. Poor hit, long recovery, full story coming in a future issue of TBM.
The bucks final resting place
07 grouse. First blood with my new to me Sky trophy longbow. Man I love Earl's bows, may be time to look for a take down soon, or maybe a 66" model, or ....