Prayers for you and your family Robert that our Father will guide you in finding a new job and home .
I'm very sorry you lost so much and we are seeing more and more destruction across the U.S.A. and other country's as well. Some folks blame it on climate change BUT I see it as what is prophesied in the Book !
We are seeing more and more tornadoes, flooding,hurricanes,fires,mudslides,earthquakes and some will just say it's been happening for century's which I agree but seeing more and more as it is Written.
There is so much hate against one another in this world and we as a Nation do need to come together and help one another not hurt one another.
The old company's that were once here in America have moved on and speed and demand has taken over and I myself have seen this myself in a company I once worked for.
Company's don't want long term workers that have retirement programs and good insurance on workers .
It's like "HOW QUICKLY " can you get it done and they need to keep it cheap.
My wife and I adopted three abandoned girls in our mid to late 40's and we are now 55/56 years old .Our girls are 13,12 and 7 and our two paychecks together can just keep us above water so to speak.
No retirement plans,no money saved but we Trust our Heavenly Father will feed us daily.
We have a great Church family and several friends that Pastor Church's them selves and when a crisis hits we all join in as a family to help one another and even more then my actual family that aren't Christians or never accepted Jesus as their Savior .
We will keep you in prayer Robert