In order to get the motivation where it needs to be, I am offering the following:
One free, green, osage stave to someone who meets the following:
You have made fewer than 10 self bows;
You have a digital camera and know how to post pics or have your own webpage;
You agree to start a selfbow buildalong here on the TradGang in the next 3 months;
You couldn't otherwise acquire osage through cutting, buying, or trading;
The ideal recipient is young (or young at heart), not afraid to make mistakes, relatively poor, and new to selfbows. Having the Traditional Bowyer's Bible Volume 4 is a bonus. I wnat you to test some of the precepts in there. In fact, the ideal candidate is me 10 years ago. I want to relive my youth vicariously through you
Put your name in the hat. I'll draw on Sunday night. I'll cover shipping up to $20. If you are somewhere more expensive than that, we'll negotiate something.