What's a long shot? All shots a whitetails that are staring you down are long shots. 30 yards for some is always too long, so they tend to preach.
Meh...30yds CAN be long. For example, my woodies run around 720 grains and aren’t terribly fast even with my 50# longbow. A whitetail can EASILY jump a string with those babies at 30yds. My Black Eagle Instincts are much faster, but even at the 185fps, it’s pretty easy for a deer to turn a heart shot into a gut shot at 30yds.
Again, it’s more about the animal than the shooter. People get all worked up thinking you’re saying they can’t “make the shot,” but it actually has little to do with shooting skill. Targets vs live animals....I’m a pretty good shot with 3D and don’t even blink at a 30 or 40yd shot, but odds on a live animal drop dramatically after 20 yds.
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