Just came in after shooting three hundred arrows. Taking a bunch of long shots for some of it, secondary aiming. i used a recurve cut 1/8 past center and 5 pound stiffer 3/8" out from center Sunset Hill, same aluminum arrows for both bows. When the arrow flies on line with itself, it makes no difference how deep the sight window is cut, if you reference the arrow in the shot process. If your reference is the feel in your bow hand, well, that could be your problem. When I start folks out, getting them to 'not' look directly at the arrow to check their draw length is always a challenge. The wrong eye has a better perspective when doing that, unless they do a long hold and sighting correction, it looks they split the difference with their dominant eye over the arrow when shooting. Left and right misses are the result. The center of the center of what you are trying to hit is the only place your focus should be, your eyes start dancing around, your shot placement starts dancing around.