With the swap winding down/ over I’m sitting here pondering what to build next. Hoping I can get hooked up with some boo at Compton in a couple weeks. Wanna try a glass bow but still not setup for it. Have a form but still need a hotbox, bandsaw, and firehose.
Now a question for the masses. I’ve used smooth on using the 24hr room temperature cure but letting it go 36+hours with temps ranging from 68-72 over that time without issue thus far. Has anyone done a glass bow using room temp? Pretty soon my pole barn will be a hotbox and I may be able to hit 90-100 in the rafters. Thinking about trying an ASL for my first glass build before I try using my fhlb form from Mike aka crooked stic. Will 90-100*F be sufficient to cure at? How long should I let it set?
Trying to get a line on a good Osage or hickory stave for a selfie but so far coming up empty.
Anybody else got builds planned for the summer?
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