Started packing for Bear Quest.
Leaving in a couple days so gotta get my hunting pack checked out and packed up.
My pack was in the garage sitting on a bench from where I left it a year ago after Bear Quest.
Due to being all gimped up last summer and fall, I didnt hunt at all so the pack didnt get used.
Now I start going through the pack and I discovered that I hadn't unpacked it last year.
The things in the top and side pockets were only things like 1st aid and extra compass and stuff like that.
Now I opened the main compartment and to my surprise, my quilted flannel shirt was shredded with a mouse nest in it.
Now the worst part.
My Asbell wool vest was underneath that.
I thought it was hanging in my closet.
I took it out and looked it all over and thankfully no tore up Mark's anywhere.
So I see now there's mouse crap and pee all over the inside of the pack.
I grab some Lysol wipes and try and clean it out.
The stink got so bad that I carried the whole thing to the trash can.
And off we went to Cabelas.
So now I have a new hunting pack and the wool vest is soaking in a bucket with Teresa's magic cleaner.