With hunting seasons just around the corner, I thought I would take a moment to remind everyone that when things go wrong after the shot and you simply cant locate that wounded deer, bear or other big game animal- DONT GIVE UP!
Tracking dogs are now legal in over 40 states and provinces and these dogs can work miracles in finding wounded game that would otherwise go unrecovered. Contrary to what some believe, a skilled tracking dog does not need any blood whatsoever to follow a wounded animal and most can track deer 20+ hours after the shot and some 40+ hours.
It is best to get to know your local tracker before the season and build a relationship so that you can find out what he wants you to do prior to calling him. Most will tell you that doing a grid search is a really bad idea and no matter how careful you try to be, a grid search will create a maze of scent for even a skilled dog to work out.
Many states now have extensive call-in networks where dogs are listed by county so locating a tracker is easy.
My tracker is Bear Dog. A Bavarian Mountain hound entering his 6th season. He works in both Georgia for Bear, Deer, hogs and turkey as well as being a critical part of my Canada bear camp. His tracks are legendary with some of the highlights being a deer recovery last year that occurred 37 hours after the shot and bear recoveries of 1.2 and 1.8 miles 24 hours after the shots. He sure makes me proud and LOVES his job.
Find your local tracker and use them when needed to preserve our wonderful resources.
Good hunting
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