Spent 22 years of my life in Kalispell, before I saw the light and started shooting traditional. If you want a nice range, drive up to Lone Pine State Park which overlooks town and is exactly 5 minutes from the center of town. I think there is a little pay-box to put a few $ in, and the range is in open Ponderosa pine and has some nice hills, etc. Also, you might check out Big Sky Archery's range a few miles West of town. Big Dan doesn't shoot traditional, but he has a nice range in the hills featuring all 3-d targets, from wolves to bears to mountain lions to elk, deer, goats, etc. Just don't shoot any of the live whitetails roaming the range. I'm heading up to Kalispell in June and plan on bringing the Silvertip up to the Lone Pine range. Plenty of public land West of town, also. Just drive up a dirt road, look for a forest service sign, and go stump shooting.
Have a great trip.