Thank you, Keith and those readers who don't type... it all is heard and counts!

I didn't get exposed to Agent orange till I lived in MT working landscaping and a tank of the 2-4-D back pressured in my face, but I got quick medical attention which is more then those guys in Nam...who never even knew and sometimes "showered" in the mist the planes sprayed... :(:(
I got the seeds and told a guy at church if he wanted to sift thru my ashes for the gold, he had my permission...

I will keep your brother in prayer as well...
Another friend whom I met on here has had a type of early radiation, then the freezing and the cancer in His prostate is back the 3rd time...
He's had so many back surgeries, A-Fib issues, bladder scarring, he's lucky to still be strokin the green side!

But he has the best attitude I've seen... always expecting the best...