Hi fellas,
This thread is more of a vent than anything.
One of my main problems when it comes to tuning my arrows (besides the fact that it's the first time having a crack) is that I don't live anywhere near a shop that stocks supplies, so every time I want to try something new I have to order stuff, wait for it to get here, and then stuff around.
I have a 54# @ 28 Black Widow PCH. My best guess is that I draw about 27 inches.
Lately I've been practicing a lot with Easton Powerflights in 400 spine, cut to about 30 inches? Standard Easton aluminium insert and a 125gn point (plan on hunting with 130gn broadheads). I fletch using 4 inch AAE trad vanes - 3 per arrow. I've never really tuned this setup but it shoots OK, not that there is any indication of me doing anything right. I've been focusing more on my form than tuning at the moment.
Now it's crunch time and I need to think about tuning. My current arrow setup (stated above) I don't believe is anywhere near 500gn. I'm less concerend with FOC as I am with trying to be close to 10gns per pound of draw weight, so I should shoot for something around 500 grains.
Ordered some 100gn brass Gold Tip inserts and glued one in one of my arrows. Also cut it to 29 inches - half because I wanted to 'guess what would work' and also because I scratched the shaft pulling out the Easton insert so I cut a bit off anyway. After a few cracks at my target I missed and hit a backstop and busted open the front of the arrow like the top of a pineapple! That hasn't happened before.
A bit of a google and some youtube videos ended up with me cutting 1 inch of 2219 aluminium arrow I had laying around and gluing it over the top of another arrow that I glued the 100gn brass insert into. Still a little weak it seems, so I cut it to 28 inches, and still too weak. Once I made sure my releases were consistent and my nock height wasn't causing some rocking-horse stuff, I was consistently getting my nock hitting a few inches left at least of where it needed to be.
I could of course go and get some 200gn points and use them in the arrows with the regular Easton inserts, but I'd probably still fall a little short of the 500gn mark. This is causing me to feel that 400gn is actually too weak and I need to move up to a 340 spine.
Funnily enough, I have a lot of 340gn arrows, but they are for my compound bow and cut to 27.5 inches, which doesn't leave me much wiggle room at all!
How frustrating!
All I can do is laugh. The positive is that I have figured out that with this sort of weight up front I know I need a stiffer arrow. Now I just need to order some.
As a side note, does anyone have a better/easier idea for strengthening the front of my arrow than cutting 1 inch lengths of aluminium arrows? Keep in mind that options may be limited in Australia.
Thanks for reading my big vent in this venture.