I’ve been a lone wolf assault and climber user for a very long time. Almost all of my deer are from these. Although the climber gets little use anymore. Most of the “good” spots don’t ever seem to accommodate a climber, and when I’m running and gunning I can’t worry about what the tree is like for the wind and deer movement. Despite set stands, I tend to set new stands run and gun all the time because of wind direction mostly.
I just got the Lone Wolf Custom Gear stand, getting sticks today. They took all my complaints and mods I had wanted or done with my assault stand and fixed them. It’s awesome. Super light, better tree adhesion, one trip up tree, pack placement on the stand, foot placement on sticks, packability with straps and belt, and with the Cush seat I’ve used for years on my assault switched over I’m ready for action. More costly, but I feel safer and more user friendly. I’ll pay for that.