We had rainy weather the first three days and then the north winds came and we had clear and cold the rest of the trip. It got colder each day. I ended up with a little frostbite on my face from hunting into that cold wind. Temps were down to the mid teens at the end of the trip, almost 30 degrees colder than any weather forecast we could find for the area before we left. Be prepared!
I think it was day 8 when we finally got a kill. Some caribou crossed the river onto the flat our camp was on. Two guys hunting different areas saw them and ended up approaching them from opposite sides. I watched through my binos as Steve got close to eight big bulls. I saw them all jump and run off a bit. I kept waiting for one to get wobbly and drop but it didn’t happen. Turned out they had just winded him prior to clearing some brush. So even though there was little cover it still managed to get in the way (I had the same thing happen to me). The commotion on Steve’s end got the group of cows and young bulls moving across the flat right into Eric and he shot a small bull at 10 yds.
The success was nice. It was an easy pack back to camp and we had ribs on the fire a couple days later. The caribou are smaller than I expected, I packed a front and rear quarter and both sides of ribs in one load. I don’t have great pics of the kill, by the time I got there the quartering was about done.