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Author Topic: Morrison 18" ILF  (Read 780 times)

Offline Dick in Seattle

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Morrison 18" ILF
« on: April 10, 2008, 10:52:00 PM »
I received my second Morrison ILF riser today... this one an 18" to go with my 16".   It's Osage and Mikarta and absolutely beautiful... so much so I will probably have to sell another bow and spring for a set of Osage limbs for it.

I fitted it with 45# short Trad Tech recurve limbs and downtuned them a bit... ended up at 42# at my draw... which is higher than I expected, but the "theoretical" math of ILF isn't always right on.  42# is my absolute max anymore, but I want to shoot some 50# spined woods at Moses Lake and they fly well out of this set up, so I'll be using it there... if my shoulder tells me no, I'can either use a different ILF set up or just switch these limbs to the shorter riser.

Anyway, these pictures will show you the bow..





Here is a group I shot with it at 22 yards (and no, I am not one of the mythical 2" @ 20yd shooters... danged glad to put six in a kill ring!).  


I had a visitor at the house range and he wanted to try the bow so I included a group he shot at 60 yards.


Dick in Seattle
Dick in Seattle

"It ain't how well the bow you shoot shoots, it's how well you shoot the bow you shoot."

Offline vermonster13

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2008, 10:55:00 PM »

Very nice bow Dick.
TGMM Family of the Bow
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Offline R H Clark

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2008, 11:07:00 PM »
Good looking bow Dick.Man you make me want a Morrison.

With your short draw you would get a little better performance with lighter limbs tightened to near max.

Offline Shawn Leonard

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2008, 11:10:00 PM »
Dick, very nice and you are right, those 2" shooters at 20 yards are mostly mythical. Pretty bow!! Shawn

Offline Stone Knife

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2008, 05:29:00 AM »
Nice bow Dick    :bigsmyl:
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but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.

John 14:6


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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2008, 09:21:00 AM »
It's not the arrival, it's the journey.

Offline Grant Young

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2008, 10:42:00 AM »
:smileystooges:  Beautiful bow Dick; I hope the poundage works out for you.         Grant

Offline maineac

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2008, 11:12:00 AM »
Very nice.  How many of that group did he shoot two arrows at once?
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Offline Dick in Seattle

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2008, 11:43:00 AM »
Very nice. How many of that group did he shoot two arrows at once?<<<

Actually, that was just one of the two simultaneous groups... the other was on a different target on the other side of the yard... didn't get a photo of that one...
Dick in Seattle

"It ain't how well the bow you shoot shoots, it's how well you shoot the bow you shoot."

Offline Chris Surtees

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2008, 03:23:00 PM »

Offline xia_emperor

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2008, 04:32:00 PM »
LOL!! great stuff.  :)
“instinctive archery” is more like playing the violin. Without practice you may remember the mechanics, but you will not be a virtuoso.

62" titan riser and samick master limbs 50@28

Offline Hattrick

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2008, 11:25:00 AM »
Dick,pretty bow how do you like the ilf`s? I was lucky enough to have my wife buy me  a morrison ilf at PBS in PITT, but i have the riser in my desk but i am waiting for the limbs to be made. It`s like torture haveing that riser with out limbs an not able to shoot it.

Offline Dick in Seattle

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Re: Morrison 18" ILF
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2008, 12:22:00 PM »

This is going to be very long, but is probably the best answer I can give you as to me and the ILF's, why I'm finding I like them, and the flexibility they give me.   This is a whole message I sent to the Longbowmen last night, after what started out as a very "downeer" day...

>>>Subject:  A tough day...but a good, or at least realistic, outcome...

I have been trying my darndest to stay up to at least above 40#... mostly so that I could shoot my heavy wood arrows at Moses Lake next week.   Well, determination can go a long ways, but it can't overcome an actual physical problem.   Which is a long way of saying "ouch!"   I went to the range yesterday and shot a full round at 42#.  I did not do well.  I was having trouble hitting full draw and longer shots were difficult due to the heavy arrows.  I was pretty tired at the end, but I thought at least I got through it, and with a few good shots.  However, this morning was a very rough time.... both shoulders hurting, badly.

So, with a lot of reluctance, and some sense of having been stubbornly foolish, I had to admit that  I just cannot shoot above 40#, and will be a lot better off considerably under.   I felt really bad all morning, and pretty upset and confused because I felt i really don't have a good selection of arrows for light weight shooting... at least not ones that I'm happy shooting at rocks.  No time to order some, either... i leave early Wed.

Ann and I went out for the afternoon and had a nice afternoon and I took the time to get my head back together.    When we got back home I started trying to reorganize and regroup.    All I can say is, "Thank goodness for ILF!"    I started fitting limbs to risers and draw testing them on the scale.  I came up with a set of limbs on the Morrison 16" that pull out at 38" and another on the Titan (a riser I am more and more impressed with the more i use it) that pulls out at 32#.  I rounded up some 1616 and 1716 Eastons and gave them a try in the Titan.   At 32# they flew perfectly.  I had no trouble hitting my anchor and I shot so much better than i did yesterday, when I was struggling to pull more weight than I should.  It was kind of a "Wow!" moment.  It's more fun to hit the target consistently and easily than to struggle with the draw and miss a lot.

I also have a few 1816's and a batch of 1816 shafts, which are going to become the world's fastest made arrows tomorrow!   No dipping, no painting... cut to length and fletch with tape.  If 1716's will fly well at 32# I figure the 1816's should do well at 38#.

this will give me enough arrows, even if they are on the expensive side for shooting in rocks.   Also, in addition to the ILF bows, I have my 37# Pronghorn and 35# Hill, and Gary Sentman is bringing me a 35# Moosejaw Elite.    A bare adequacy of arrows and five workable bows... sounds like enough for five days of fun to me, even though I'll have to be careful... can't just not worry about breaking arrows like I was looking forward to doing with the old woods.  I guess the iron deer will be safe!<<<

So, yes, I am becoming a real fan of the flexibility of ILF.  It's a given that my shoulder is going to continue to get worse, and ILF is what may enable me to keep shooting all the way down to 16# if necessary, without constantly buying new bows.   A few years from now, if you see an old man in a walker with a Titan shooting from the kid stakes, say "Hi!"  :^)
Dick in Seattle

"It ain't how well the bow you shoot shoots, it's how well you shoot the bow you shoot."

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