Only hunted a few seasons so far (even tho I'm a "senior"), but had my best experience the last afternoon of late season. I was mostly just stumping', but kept an eye out for sign. This day, saw not a single track. Making my way back up, I was ambling along, look up, and there's a beautiful young doe not 25 yards up from me. We were both out in the open, which is rare in "my" woods.
I froze; she looked at me a bit, and went on with her browsing, occasionally looking, sniffing, and/or twitching her ears. Learned I could get an arrow out of my side stalker, nock it, get to partial draw... be still when she looked over... this went on for what seemed like 5 minutes or so.
Dumb lesson was that I had traded for a new bow a week or so before, and hadn't "bonded" with it quick enough. Had at least 3 perfect shot opportunities with her at 20 yes or less, 2 broadsides, and a slightly quartering away. I wouldn't take the shot, 'cause I didn't trust the bow yet. Went and put the arrow back in the quiver to eliminate the temptation. All the while she was just puttering there, in good range. Saw her mom another 60 yes up; she wasn't alarmed either.
When you least expect it...