Good shooting! I notice you draw a little high, and then drop down to your anchor. Have you ever considered drawing a little low, and then raising up to your anchor instead? It helps some people get more into their back tension. Do you see any string blur? It's hard to tell from the video, but I suspect your arrow is a little outside your right eye at full draw. If so, you seem to have compensated for this, as you are very accurate, but if your arrow is not under your eye, you might increase your accuracy even more by getting it under your eye so you see some string blur. In one of your first shots, I saw the fingers on your string hand straighten out after you released the arrow, which is a sign of forcing them open rather than relaxing them and letting the string push them out of the way. However, on all the rest of your shots your string fingers remained curled after release. Are you aware of when you shoot with relaxed string fingers and when you don't? Shooting without relaxing your string fingers can result in right misses, like a minor pluck.