Ok had to dig my thinkin cap outta storage, which I did while snowshoein a 2 mile hike in the high country. Sometimes walkin away from a project and spendin time in the woods is the best plan.
So what I did, is taking the template for the bottom half of the form, and used the router with a guide collar and spiral bit, made a mirror image template for the top of the form.
My flush pattern router but will not be here till Monday afternoon. So now I wait. But should have a nice matchup of both halves, although as Kenny mentioned may need to trim top at ends to allow room for hose. Will take that as it comes once I install hardware.
Still a ways off from gluing one up, will order glue, lams etc first of the month. Vet bill for my dog shot my shop budget for the rest of this month . Plus the fun governor is startin to get inquisitive.
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