Same soup here. Only have had a tag for 3 or 4 years now (started at 61 or so), still hunting each season. Only saw one or two deer a season, and not close, until this year.
Last couple of hours, last day of late season, and I went for more of a rove than a hunt. Didn't see a single track in my area that is usually full of sign. Walking back home, I look up, and there's a pretty doe maybe 25 yards up from me. We were both in the open somehow, though these woods are pretty dense and brushy.
I froze, of course. She looked for a minute, browsed a little. I drew a broached to of my side quiver, nocked, got to half draw... she was now no more than 20 yards. Looked up once in a while, then would most around some. Had 3 perfect(!) shot opportunities.
Well while drawn, with a nice adrenalin flow going, I let down. Had been shooting often prior to season, and pretty well... but had traded bows recently, and the new one I was hunting with was taking longer to get used to than anticipated. Couldn't take the shot knowing my kill zone accuracy was only 50 or 60% with this bow.
Kick in the pants lesson about the bow timing (I knew this but the trade was too good to pass up), but my BEST hunting experience so far.