When shooting my 55# recurve, I always noticed my rear delt muscle would be tired by the end of the training, but never thought much of it.
When I started shooting the 65# ASL though, the problem emerged: I realized I was using my shoulder for the last inch of my draw. It was a grinding experience for my string shoulder, getting painful after 2-3 shots. By 10 minutes in shooting session I had to stop.
I workout my higher back regularly, but no matter what, I was unable to use those muscles for the last inch, having to resort to the shoulder muscles to get to full draw.
I read several topics on this forum, watched hours of footage of Howard Hill & co, yet I could not see the way.
I was ready to give up, when I decided to watch people shooting British war longbows. Those guys shoot up to 200#, if I can't learn from them I'm done, I thought. And that was eye-opening. Watching them shooting "inside the bow" finally showed me the way. I am not shooting using their form, but it showed me how to use my back muscles.
I had always been shooting with very little cant of my chest; now I open my chest by pushing it out, and sticking my butt out so to keep the alignment. It was a game changer!
I have been shooting this way for ~10 sessions now, 10 yards from the target, to memorize the form. It feels now like a healthy workout, and I can already shoot for 30 minutes before being tired, and no pain! It is mind blowing!
I just have to be careful not to open in excess on my bow arm side, and keep it in alignment, otherwise my bow shoulder starts hurting (old gym injury on that side). But as long as I keep the proper alignment, I get the muscles to work, and the joints happy

This morning I have started moving away from the target and took a few 20y shots. I will still be working mostly on memorizing the form, to remove 15 year old habits, but I feel like a new world has opened to me.
I am sorry for the long post, but I'm hyper-excited and wanted to share

Hope this helps other archers as well.