I am not sure I would call all the reaction to this disease as panic. The threat is very, very real. I fear it, because I am 70 years old and have diabetes and arthritis, which puts me in a very susceptible group. Consequently, I gave up my part-time job. However, once we do the precautionary things, especially if we are hunkered down, now is the time to get back to the archery side of life. I have been shooting in the yard quite a lot. I have been concentrating on form trying to quit plucking the string. Also, I'm doing more practice from longer distances. 30 yard accuracy is my goal. Roving can be done without violating the social distance standards suggested. Maybe I can finish that set of arrows I started on many weeks ago. With turkey season upon us, we can actually hunt. However, with my turkey hunting skills, it is very unlikely that I will get close enough to TOM to threaten him with exposure. So, yes, this thing is bad, but we are a very resourceful folks, so we can be very safe and still keep up our archery activities. How about you good story tellers get on-line and give us some good campfire tales? There is a lot we can do, both in terms of health safety and getting back into the bow. As my 5 year old granddaughter told me yesterday, "Let's do some bow and arrow".