It is a common problem, years ago Glenn St. Charles showed me how he would "bump" it back into alignment. With the bow strung, bow horizontal or approximately, back facing the floor, one hand on the riser and the second on that part of the recurve, hold the string in the grove tightly with your hand and fingers, (back of hand is up), bump/twist quickly in the opposite direction. Your doing two things at once, holding the string in the grove so it does not unstring, and bumping the twisted area back into position. Check it by pulling the bow several times about half way and see if the string tracks correctly, if not repeat the process until it corrects. You can also check the alignment by setting the lower tip on the floor and sighting down the string, the recurve should be horizontal, not sloping to one side. A second method is to hold the bow out in front of you and sight over the back the tip should be in the center of the limb. It is not necessary to use heat on a recent twist, an old twist can be harder to correct.