Was just sitting here with my coffee and thinking about roving this afternoon.
My mind drifted to my own personal changes that I have gone through sense the early 60s.
I'm going to just talk about silencers but there's been many other changes over the years.
The first discovery was, Brush Buttons. I used them for many years about a year later in combination with the three legged rubber silences.
Then one day I discovered Cat Whiskers. Those were kinda neat and I really liked how I coul pluck the string and hear a dead thud.
Then there was the wool yarn balls and the strips of mink wrapped around the string and tucked in.
Gotta admit those to me are the best looking.
Fast forward with me starting to use the internet and watching the Great Ones of the past.
Hay wait, none of them had anything on there bow string!??
So as of about ten years ago, I started using silencers to fine tune and if a bow shot good without silencers, I didnt put any on.
So for the past ten years or so, I have convinced myself they are not necessary.
But I in no way want to change anybody's opinion, I'm just thinking out loud.