Very very nice.
I want to shoot a Chinook so bad, but it's just a little too short for my draw length, had one for a short time. Super quiet and very very good performance! I'm jealous to say the least! I'm close to ordering another Whip I think, been waiting for a used one, but they just don't come up in 66" very often! Enjoy your bow, it's a beauty!
Got one, some reason I just didn't click with it, might give it another spin, haven't shot it in a while. Also have an SL which is I think a 66" recurve he doesn't make anymore, but haven't done much with it yet.
31" Had a Super D, it's a D Shape and just really not my style and I'm a big big fan of his locator grip. Have had 2 whips, still have one but it's really light draw weight. I shot the higher draw weight Whip really well, bought a Lynx to replace it and really like it, but I'm starting to get a little arthritis in my string fingers and want to go down in draw weight. I have Whistler also and absolutely love it, but it's not near as forgiving as the longer models. I also have problems with my bow hand and his locator grip has been a savior. I really like my Lynx but I also like the lighter weight of the one and two piece bows.