Bloodied the new Primaltech Saturday. Wish it could've happened sooner bu a torn rotator cuff has had me sidelined. I was sitting for a pig but they weren't cooperating. Friday night some came in but too late for a shot and stayed in the brush.
I had heard the turkeys gobbling early and when it was apparent the pigs had stood me up I let out a few yelps and got a gobble off west of me. A few clucks and purrs and I got two gobbles so I shut up and let them work in. The other bid was bigger but I took the one that gave me a shot first. I swear he was broadside when I was releasing but he turned and and as he ran off I thought I'd seen the last of him and my arrow. But I gave him some time and he was down in some brush about a hundred yards away. I don't particularly enjoy cleaning or eating turkeys but I can't seem to pass one with a single string bow in my hand. Not much of a beard but decent spurs.