I like Hex blunts because it is easier to find my arrows when I miss but use blunts most of the time because they are cheaper, hum… I mean a lot less expensive.
JC, that wide open view looks familiar. Vance must have saved some for you.
Charlie, that second picture of yours reminds me of the best day I ever had hunting gophers, 63. I got 47 the next day but my brother Bob out did me with 48.
They are considered pests in the western part of North America and we are just helping out the local ranchers and farmers. The weekend after the gopher hunt I mentioned above, my brother and I went back to hunt again and there were no gophers left on the rancher’s property; he had poisoned all of them to protect his crops, livestock, and equipment. If there population isn’t controlled by hunters they are usually exterminated on a mass scale. I never ate a single one of them, and won’t.