Over the last 8 years I have really enjoyed Traditional archery and bowhunting. But, I need to be honest with myself After numerous injuries and setbacks I've found that after these issues I am not as proficient as I need to be. Bowhunting is a rush and very fun, I cannot hunt with Trad equipment if I don't have the time to put in the proper effort to be proficient. Now, the question, what is proficient ? I am very deadly to about 15 yds, then things get iffy. I believe that because of my 3 shoulder surgeries That I cannot maintain good form with my draw arm. I am thinking that the draw arm issue is the main culprit as to why things get crazy at 20 yds or so. So my question is, before I throw in the towel and go back to a wheelie.....I know, I know. How far do you guys think is an average shot distance for bear and whitetail while stand hunting ?