I just bought a brand new Super Shrew 11 from Kustom King Archery. I have two dozen full length Easton ST Epic .500’s that I was shooting out of my 44# BW recurve. With 175gr tips, those arrows flew great from that BW. I was hoping to be able to use those same arrows for my Shrew. They were weak with 175gr up front. I put 125gr fp on and they flew like darts, just hitting 4” high. The arrows with 175gr tips weight 450gr. I like having my arrows full length because I shoot 3 under and my point on is like 25-30 yards. I can either use the arrows as they are with 125gr tips and they weigh 400gr or I can cut some off the shaft to get the 175’s to tune. The bow is 45#@28”. I draw 28”. I’m leaning towards cutting a little off the shaft because I like hunting with my 175gr Simmons Tiger Sharks. How much would I have to cut do y’all think? Would an inch do it? If I had to cut more than that then I might stick with keeping them long with a lighter point weight. Thoughts?