I like the idea of a dual-shelf bow & even thought about trying some different eastern-style bows to do this. But I haven't ever been able to get the tuning right. I can get the arrow to fly straight-ish but, shooting right-handed, the arrow still flies pretty far left. Going weaker in spine brought the arrow's path back to center but it came out so far nock-left that I couldn't get a broadhead to fly worth a darn. Field points would hit where I'm looking. Bareshafts would land pretty centered but so far sideways that some snapped on impact at 20 yards. I gave up and started cutting shelves, <0.25" off center, into my homemade bows. Problem solved after that. The only thing I can figure is that they have to be run with some version of khatra that pulls the riser away from the arrow mid-flight. I've seen some Native American short bows shot this way -- more of a drop of the bow-hand than khatra. But same idea. If anybody has any tips on how to run these better on a more common form-archery style of shooting, I'd welcome the help.